One of the pillars of the state euro dollar exchange rate of the United States as a global superpower is exchange rate euro its currency, the U.S. dollar , Which serves as the main international reserve currency in the decades after World War 2 . Recently, the U.S. dollar face increasing pressure from newborn currency , Fie the euro dollar exchange rate common European currency , the euro, which is becoming a new dollar pound exchange rate major reserve currency and this affects the exchange rate against the euro the dollar .
Euro dollar exchange rate in the first two years after its introduction , the euro remained lower against the U.S. dollar , But in the coming years , marketers have shown an upward trend in the exchange rate of the euro and stable against the U.S. dollar gradually increased exchange rate euro.
The euro and the U.S. dollar are a couple of major currencies , which is one of the most traded in the foreign exchange market and the exchange rate of the euro is crucial not only for Fore trading , but euro dollar exchange rate for all governments in the countries of the area euro as national currency is pegged to the euro. The exchange rate of the euro against the dollar is also an important indicator to compare exchange rate euro the economic development of the European Union and the United States respectively euro dollar exchange rate.
In general , governments have an important tool to influence the exchange rate of the euro against the dollar , IE the interest rate . This exchange rate euro is a powerful weapon in the hands of central banks , although the U.S. Federal Reserve and euro dollar exchange rate the European Central Bank (CB ) to be used with caution dollar pound exchange rate. The CB prefers not directly intervene in the currency markets and attempts to influence the exchange rate of the euro with several governors of euro dollar exchange rate central banks .
The euro exchange rate is also very sensitive to the data of the euro area and the economic development of the euro dollar exchange rate participating countries. In May 2010 , the euro hit a 14-month low against the dollar on news that Greece is facing serious financial problems and rumors that financial support for dollar pound exchange rate the country may affect the financial stability of euro dollar exchange rate the Euro zone.
Another feature of the euro exchange rate against the dollar is its volatility , which could be up to 4 percent in a single trading day . The exchange rate euro biggest daily gain of the euro against the dollar was the March 18, 2009 , when the European single currency jumped 3.9 percent against the dollar, according to euro dollar exchange rate Reuters data .
Historically , there have euro dollar exchange rate been many advances and the euro exchange rate against the dollar sinking , but most analysts agree that the common European currency remains relatively strong against the dollar in the short and euro dollar exchange rate medium term. However euro dollar exchange rate, the Fore market is a sophisticated system that is characterized by extreme volatility , so any forecast can be wrong in a few minutes. Exchange rate euro therefore, all Fore experts and economists from around the world are monitoring the exchange rate of the currency pair exchange rate euro known .
Expectations about the euro dollar exchange rate as a result of its investments in Fore trading. Foreign currency traders usually lose today and manage the negotiation of the industries they represent and Trade. One of the reasons for the euro dollar exchange rate common where these traders often not that have extensive knowledge and tools.